I am a tattoo artist with over 13 years experience specialising exclusively in Nordic art, especially dotwork.
I take inspiration from archaeological artefacts, stone and wood carving art and stories and tales from the Viking era in Scandinavia .
I am currently based in Edinburgh, Scotland and have developed a business where all clients are booked privately and in advance.
I began drawing at a very early age and even won a drawing contest in my home town at the age of 4! I would describe myself as a very artistic person and after getting a tattoo myself, I always felt this was the direction I wanted to take my art.
From there, I was lucky enough to have a friend who introduced me to the basics of how to tattoo but it was mainly through practicing on myself and friends that I learned to tattoo. After developing my skills, I was tattooing for around 4 years, working mainly in the colour realism style before I realised that this wasn’t the direction I wanted to take my art in.
I first discovered Nordic mythology because I was attracted to the runes and began to read more deeply about the Norse culture when I was about 16. I have always been interested in history and the different art styles that cultures like the Egyptians and the Norse created but it wasn’t until around 7 years ago that I realised that to be good tattooist / artist it is more important to create things you are passionate about rather than be able to tattoo in every style.